Monday, December 14, 2020

Summer learning journey Activity one

Malo e lei lei bloggers

So today is the day when the SLJ finally starts
For the first activity you have to post a helpful and great comment on someones post. So i posted my comment on Emricos blog or as you know my classmate,
so now I'll show Everyone the comment i posted.

Making pinch pot


Today me and my class made a pinch pot out of Modelling clay. You can go to my other classmates blogs and you can see what kind of pot they made.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Soy candles

Malo e lei lei bloggers

Today our class made soy candles 

When we made soy candles it was very fun, but first let me tell you what we used to make the soy candles.
 - Measuring spoon and cup
 - Pouring jar
 - double boiler pot
 -tealight holder
 -  thermometer
 - 200 grams which is 20 degrees
 -soy wax
 - and a wooden spoon
Once we were done it looked very cool, but we forget to put tiny little pedals inside for decoration. Have a good day.

Tabloids reflections

 Malo e lei lei bloggers, so today's post was about tabloids. Last week we were participating in tabloids

Participating in a tabloid was really really fun, you could experience

what its like to be a leader and when different people were leading you there were some complaints here and there like'' we already know how to play!!''. But also in the end we all had fun. Have a good day.

Practise SLJ

SLJ week one day one Activity:  2019

So your stuck on a boat three weeks and your starving,

Name ten fruits that you think you can survive off in the middle of the ocean.

When I saw this activity  started thinking of my ten different fruits. After some time I finally got my ten different fruits. The fruits that I picked were a Banana, an apple, pineapple,  tomato,  orange,  kiwi,  slice of watermelon,  peach, plum and my last fruit mango.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Secret Santa

 Malo e lei lei bloggers

So today we had secret Santa.

For our secret Santa celebrations, I bought my secret Santa Bracelets and ear ring well I had my sister help me.and what I got for Secret Santa was a ping pong set. I'm really glad for my present because I lost my other ping pong set, and now I can vs the siblings in ping pong battles. Have a good day and BYE.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Tinker cad

Malo e lei lei bloggers, So today me and my class took on a challenge to go on Tinker cad to see what it was like. So after we all went through the tutorial and when we finished we made Minecraft party glasses. the Minecraft glasses you see right now is what I made. You can find the activity on this link. If it sends you to a different just click on the first link.

Have a good day!.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

AMAZING similes

 Malo e lei lei bloggers 

Me and my class let our brains take over, and we made some fantastic similes and everyone did a good job. You can check the other students from my class and see what similes they did. Have a good day!

Monday, November 16, 2020

I made my Tower longer

 This is the update of my tower, first my tower was four stories and now my tower 7 stories. So that is basically i added three more stories

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Our trip to Emirate team New Zealand

 Today on Wednesday the 11th or November 

Today all the year fives and sixes went to the Emirates Team. Once we got there we all go split into groups and in my group was Kennedy, mele, faisa and daimein . First we went inside and waited for the other group to go through the wind tunnel, and then it went on.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

My steps to make a Diwali Diya's


Hello blogger here are my steps to make a diya

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Coding Town

 Today we had some spare time and we went on hour of code and i made a tower. The tower is about Four stories high.

Friday, October 16, 2020

My share Task

 This is my bee from my share task. I made this bee in google drawing and i think i did a good job.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Facts about carrots.


Today i made a google drawing about carrots.The drawing is about what it´s good for, nutrients etc.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

planting our plants

 Last week we got different plants and herbs. I got a plant called chives, by the info I searched up chives are healthy and good for your bones. Once the plant grows i'll be using it for cooking. I recently found out how long it takes, it takes about 2 to 3 weeks. Have  a good day!!.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Making Vegetarian pasta with Skids

 Today we had a cooking lesson about how to make some vegetarian pasta. It was very fun to be honest, i thought i wouldn't like it but it turned out to be fun. I also really enjoyed it.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

My pepeha


Today i recorded myself do my Pepeha for Maori language week. My Pepeha was basically about like where i live and all the local Mountains or Rivers near me or like your name  and what you family name is.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Stress balls


Yesterday me and my class made stress balls.The items we used were: Rice, bottles and three helium balloons. For me it was a hard task, and i couldn't do it. Eventually i finished the stress ball.

5 Facts about tonga

Malo e lei lei Bloggers

 Today i have some facts about Tongan language week. Here you can learn about the names of the islands. Or what Tonga has been through. HAVE a good DAY!

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

States of matter

These are the things that we used to make butter with. We had to take turns shaking the jar. At first my group made butter but then we kept shaking the jar and it eventually turned into cream.

States of matter


Monday, August 31, 2020

Talking about emotions

 So today in class we were talking about emotions and we went around the circle expressing and saying what we felt like. My first emotion was anger, when ever me and my brother fight it goes on and on and on. My second emotion was being grateful, if i hadn't like adopted my sister i wouldn't like have anyone near of by my side. Finally my last emotion, It was me being sad because both of my grandparents died and i couldn't go to any of their funerals.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Te reo maori

Today we were doing Te reo maori with papa jarrod. We were learning about whakatauki, as an example i'll show you some of them.

Ma pango, Ma whero,  ka oti te mahi which means
With black and red we will achieve the end result.
 It basically means that if we all unite we can achieve anything in life.

Nou te rourou, naku te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi. This one means
With your food basket and my food basket, the people will have plenty.
focusing-the-lens-17-728.jpg (728×546) | Learning stories, Maori ...This means if we have enough everyone can get the same amount.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Story board

I was doing a story board about how he had no friends and it when on for days and days .

Friday, July 24, 2020

Friday, July 3, 2020

Multiplication mash up

This is a Multiplication mashup that we did in math class.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

mothers day

my mothers day went out pretty good,The first thing we did was making are mum and auntie some breakfast in the morning like usual.And then we were planing of having a BBQ out of nowhere and i was surprised cause we normally don´t do this i mean i was expecting something else but not a BBQ
but as always after we ate that was basically all we did for the day.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

My identity

This picture is about what i was doing about my identity so like what culture am i.Which is tongan
and its also about what other tongans would do normally do in spare time.