Wednesday, November 25, 2020

AMAZING similes

 Malo e lei lei bloggers 

Me and my class let our brains take over, and we made some fantastic similes and everyone did a good job. You can check the other students from my class and see what similes they did. Have a good day!


  1. Kia ora troy i like how you welcome us. what do you me he was still like a owl. maby you can how fun it was and how hard or easy it was?

    1. Thanks Pranav for the comment. What i meant for the still like an owl, i meant that he stood still like an owl.

  2. Hi Troy,
    I like all the different words you used in your little paragraph of writing. My favourite simile was the third one. Maybe next time you can use the whole page because their are spaces in some places. Have a good day! :)


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